Lecture 12
Fall 2018
Narges Norouzi
Summary of mid-quarter survey
- More in-class coding demos
- More practice problems
- Bonus programming questions
- Going slower in the lecture
Methods, classes, and variables can be defined as final.
Let’s look at what it means in each scenario
Final method
You cannot override final methods in subclasses
Private methods are implicitly final
Static methods are implicitly final
Final variable
The value of final variable will remain constant
You cannot change the value of final variables
You should immediately assign a value to final variables
Different types of final variables
Final parameter
Final local variable
Final instance variable
Final static variable
Key notes about final variables
An uninitialized final field of a class must be definitely assigned in every constructor of the class
An uninitialized final static variable must be definitely assigned in a static initializer of the class in which it is declared
Final classes
You cannot inherit from final classes
No class can extend final classes
Review (1)
Final data:
Local variables or instance variables
Primitives —> constant values
Objects —> constant references
- A compile-time constant that won’t ever change
- A value initialized at run time that you don’t want changed
Review (2)
Final Methods
No override
Final Class
- No subclass
Zybooks chapters we covered
- Section 2.9: final variables (but we covered more)
CMPS12A - Lecture 12
By Narges Norouzi
CMPS12A - Lecture 12
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