1D Arrays
User Input
Nested if-statements
switch-case statements
while loop
do-while loop
for loop
Indexed sequence of values of the same type
52 playing cards in a deck
1 million characters in a book
130 students in this course sorted by their ID
Many Variables of Same Type
Goal: 10 variables of type int
Many Variables of Same Type
Goal: 10 variables of type int
Declares, creates, and initializes values
Arrays in java
To make an array, declare, create and initialize it.
To access element 'i' of an array named ‘a’, use a[i].
Array indices start at 0.
compact alternative
Declare, create, and initialize in one statement.
Default initialization: all numbers automatically set to 0.
Explicit Initialization
- Example
- Equivalent to
Dot product of two vectors
Length of the array
- We can get the length of the array using the length field:
- Can be used for iteration over array elements
- Defined an array to reference a list of 100 integers
- Each element is initialized by default to 0
Two exceptions will be thrown here:
- -1 is not a valid index – too small
100 is not a valid index – too large
- IndexOutOfBoundsException
Due soon
- program 1 tonight
- no class Monday
- 5.9, 5.10 Wednesday
- 2.14,3.12-3.15,4.6 Friday
Copy of 1D Arrays
By Narges Norouzi
Copy of 1D Arrays
- 249