Beginning Programming in Python
Fall 2019

- Modules:
- Some useful modules
- Hierarchical namespaces
- Making your own modules
- The main() function
- PEP 8 (v. briefly)
- A revisit to debugging, now that we're writing longer programs:
- Looking at different error types (syntax, runtime, logical)
- A module is a file that contains Python code
- That file may contain functions that can be imported for your use
- In general, Python standard library provides loads of useful modules for all sorts of things
# From a user perspective, modules are variables, functions, objects etc.
import math
# This line "imports" the math module, so that we can refer to it
# Now we're calling a function from the math module to compute log_10(100)
Random module
Namespace & dot notation
To recap, the namespace is all identifiers available to a line of code
Namespaces are organized hierarchically into sub-pieces using modules, functions, and classes
If you want to use a function from another module you need to import it into the namespace of your code and use '.' notation
import math # Imports the math module into the current namespace
# The '.' syntax is a way of indicating membership
math.sqrt(2) # sqrt is a function that "belongs" to the math module
# (Later we'll see this notation reused with objects)
revisiting "import"
- If you want to use a function in a module, then that module/function must be imported first

from math import sqrt
sqrt(2.0) # Now sqrt is a just a function in the current program's name space,
# no dot notation required
from math import * # Import all functions from math
# But, this is generally a BAD IDEA, because you need to be sure
# this doesn't bring in things that will collide with other things
# used by the program
# More useful is the "as" modifier
from math import sqrt as square_root # This imports the sqrt function from math
# but names it square_root. This is useful if you want to abbreviate a long function
# name, or if you want to import two separate things with the same name
what's in a module?
- If a module is a part of your Python installation, then you can find out what it contains like this:
- But if a module is "famous" (like all the ones we will be using), then just Google it!
writing your own module
You can write your own modules:
Create a file whose name is, where x is the name of the module you want to create
Edit to contain the functions you want
Create a new file in the same directory and include "import x" at the top of
The main function
You may write a program and then want to reuse some of the functions by importing them into another program.
The problem is that when you import a module it is executed.
Question: How do you stop the original program from running when you import it as a module?
Answer: By putting the logic for the program in a "main()", which is only called if the program is being run by the user, not imported as a module.
Main function
5 minutes break!
pep8: use style
It is easy to rush and write poorly-structured, hard-to-read code. However, generally, this proves a false-economy, resulting in longer debug cycles, a larger maintenance burden, and less code reuse.
Although many sins have nothing to do with the cosmetics of the code, some can be fixed by adopting a consistent, sane set of coding conventions. Python did this with Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 8

pep8: use style
- use 4 spaces (instead of tabs) for indentation
- limit line length to 78 characters
- when naming identifiers, use CamelCase for classes and lowercase_with_underscores for functions & variables
- place imports at the top of the file
- keep function definitions together
- use docstrings to document functions
- use two blank lines to separate function definitions from each other
- keep top-level statements, including function calls, together at the bottom of the program

Debugging revisited
- Syntax Error
- Runtime Error
- Semantic/Logical Error

Syntax error Example
runtime/semantic error
debug strategies
Use print statements dotted around the code to figure out what code is doing at specific points of time
Use a debugger - this allows you to step through execution, line-by-line, seeing what the program is up to at each step.
Write unit-tests for individual parts of the code
Use assert to check that expected properties are true
STARE HARD AT IT! Semantic errors will generally require you to question your program's logic.
debug Example
Lecture 10 challenge

CSE 20 - Lecture 10
By Narges Norouzi
CSE 20 - Lecture 10
- 1,566