Beginning Programming in Python
Fall 2019
- Files
- Writing Files
- Reading files
- With keyword
- For loops on file handles
- Binary files
- Large worked example (Fasta file processing)
- Directories
- Web file retrieval
source of input
- User Input
- Slow if needed to enter a lot of data
- Error-prone: the user may enter wrong values
- What if we want to run again?
- What if we want an input based on inputs of previous executions.
- Files
- Enter data once into a file, save it, and reuse it.
- Good for large amounts of data
- Programs can use files to communicate
- Need to be able to read from and write to files
Advanced issues found▲
- In Python, a file operation takes place in the following order:
- Open the file
- Read or write (perform operation)
- Close the file
- Files can be opened for different purposes
- Reading, writing, updating
- Open files must be closed
- To release the resources
- To flush the output
Advanced issues found▲
opening a file
- To access a file, it must first be opened
- The "open" function is used to open a file
- <variable> = open(<path>, <mode>)
- <variable> is of type file (file is a data type!)
- <path> is the path and name of the file
- <mode> is the opening mode (read, write, update)
Advanced issues found▲
Advanced issues found▲
my_file = open("test.txt", "w")
opening modes
Mode | Description |
'r' | Opens a file for reading (default) |
'w' | Opens a file for writing. Creates a new file if it does not exist |
'a' | Open for appending at the end of the file. Creates a new file if it does not exist. |
'b' | Opens in binary mode |
'+' | Opens a file for updating (reading & writing) |
closing a file
When we are done with operations to the file, we need to properly close the file
The "close" method is used to close the file
It can be automatically done using "with" statement
Advanced issues found▲
f = open('output.txt', 'w')
# some operations here
with open("data.txt", "a+") as f:
# some operations here
# now the file has been closed
writing to a file
Reading from a file
Advanced issues found▲
- When a file is opened for reading, an input pointer is positioned at the beginning of the file
- After reading, the pointer is moved after the last read character
- Reading in the text mode returns data in string
- When the input pointer reaches the end of the file, any further read attempts results in an empty string
reading a file
"with" keyword
5 minutes break!
for loop on a file
Binary files
Advanced issues found▲
- Python can process binary files, which are just files with arbitrary bits in them
- We can always treat a text file as a binary file, it's just that we ignore formatting
with open("test.txt", "rb") as f: # Here we treat test.txt as a binary file - any file
# can be considered just a collection of bits
with open("test2.txt", "wb") as g: # Note the nested with statements
while True:
buf = # The argument to read tells it to read a set number of
# bytes - each byte is an 8 bit (8 0's or 1's) words into the "buf" object,
# which is a string
if len(buf) == 0: # We're at the end
directory Example
Downloading from web
downloading data
Fasta file reading
Fasta file example
Lecture 11 challenge
CSE 20 - Lecture 11
By Narges Norouzi
CSE 20 - Lecture 11
- 1,491