Beginning Programming in Python
Fall 2019
- The basics of Python classes and objects:
- Classes and Objects
- The __init__ constructor method
- Object membership: Dot notation and classes
- Everything is an object in Python!
- Methods: adding functions to class and the self argument
- Object vs. class variables
- Objects Mutability
- Classes and Objects
- Is vs. ==
- Python supports many different kinds of data
- Each is an object, and every object has:
- a type
- an internal data representation (primitive or composite)
- a set of procedures for interaction with the object
- An object is an instance of a type
- 1234 is an instance of an int
- "hello" is an instance of a string
[1, 5, 7, 19]
{'CA':'California', 'TX':'Texas'}
Structured vs. oo programming
Structured Programming:
OO Programming
Objects have both data and methods
Objects send and receive messages to invoke actions
Objects of the same class have the same data elements and methods
Key idea in object-oriented programming:
The real world can be accurately described as a collection of objects that interact.
Object-Oriented Programming
What are objects?
- Objects are a data abstraction that captures...
An internal representation
- through data attributes
An interface for interacting with objects
- through methods (aka procedures/functions)
- defines behaviors but hides implementation
creating and using your own type
Creating the class involves
- defining the class name
- defining class attributes
- for example, someone wrote code to implement a list class
Using the class involves
- creating new instances of objects
- doing operations on the instances
- for example, L=[1,2] and len(L)
class definition syntax
class ClassName:
<statement 1>
<statement 2>
A point class
class Point:
Point class represents and
manipulates x,y coords.
p = Point()
__init__() or constructor
Python Classes can contain functions, termed methods.
The first example of a method we'll see is __init__.
__init__ allows us to add variables to a class as follows:
class Point:
""" Point class represents and manipulates x,y coords. """
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
""" Create a new point at the origin """
self.x = x # The self argument to method represents the
# object, and allows you to assign stuff to the object
self.y = y
p = Point(10, 12)
Object membership
class Point:
x: float, the x-coordinate of a point
y: float, the y-coordinate of a point
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
p = Point(10, 12)
print(p.x, p.y)
p.x = 5
p.y = 11
print(p.x, p.y)
Advanced issues found▲
- A way to add functionalities to an object
- The __init__() is an instance of a method, a function belonging to an object.
- We are free to add user defined methods:
class Point:
""" Create a new Point, at coordinates x, y """
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
""" Create a new point at x, y """
self.x = x
self.y = y
# We see the "self" argument again
def distance_from_origin(self):
""" Compute my distance from the origin """
# This is just Pythagorus's theorem
return ((self.x ** 2) + (self.y ** 2)) ** 0.5
p = Point(3, 4)
5 minutes break!
Objects vs. class variables
- The variables defined in the constructor are unique to an object:
p = Point(3, 4)
q = Point() # Make a second point
print(p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y)
# Each point object (p and q) has its own x and y
Objects vs. class variables
- If you want to create a variable shared by all objects you can use a class variable:
class Point:
# Class variables are defined outside of __init__ and are shared
# by all objects of the class
theta = 10
""" Create a new Point, at coordinates x, y """
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
""" Create a new point at x, y """
self.x = x
self.y = y
p = Point(3, 4)
q = Point(9, 10)
print("Before", p.theta, q.theta)
Point.theta = 20 # There is only one theta, so we just
# changed theta value for all Point objects -note the use of the class name
print("After", p.theta, q.theta, Point.theta)
Object mutability
Advanced issues found▲
- Python objects are mutable
p = Point(5, 10)
p.x += 5 # You can directly modify variables
# You can even add new variables to an object
p.new_variable = 1
# But note, this doesn't add a "new_variable" to other points
# you might have or create
q = Point(5, 10)
q.new_variable # This doesn't exist,
# because you only added "new_variable" to q
Modifier methods
class Point:
""" Create a new Point, at coordinates x, y """
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
""" Create a new point at x, y """
self.x = x
self.y = y
def move(self, deltaX, deltaY):
""" Moves coordinates of point
( this is a modifier method, which you call to
change x and y)
self.x += deltaX
self.y += deltaY
p = Point()
p.move(5, 10)
print(p.x, p.y)
IS VS. ==
Lecture 14 challenge
CSE 20 - Lecture 14
By Narges Norouzi
CSE 20 - Lecture 14
- 1,167