Lecture 6
fall 2018
Narges Norouzi
What is a String
Java String is a sequence of characters
" "
Creating String (1)
Many ways of constructing a string:
Creating String (2)
Many ways of constructing a string:
Creating String (3)
Many ways of constructing a string:
String Creation
Does Java create 2 String objects internally?
Without “new” operator for String creation:
Java looks into the String pool (Collection of Strings)
Try to find objects with same String value
- If object exists new variable points to existing object
- If object does not exist new object is created
- For efficiency ...
String Creation
String Creation
String methods
Advantage of String class:
many built-in methods for String manipulation
Methods: valueof
String.valueOf(x) – returns String
representation of x.
x: char, int, double, float
Useful for converting different types to String
Methods: substring
- String.substring(x) – returns a new String by copying characters from an existing String.
str.substring(i, k)
- Returns substring of characters from index i to k-1
- Returns substring of characters from the index i to the end
Methods: concat
- Method 1: plus “+” operator
- Method 2: Using String’s “concat” method
String immutability
- Strings in Java are immutable
- Meaning: cannot change its value, once created
String immutability
With frequent modifications of Strings:
Create many new objects – uses up memory
Destroy many unused ones – increase workload
Overall: can slow down performance
String equality
String equality
- Checking if two Strings contain same value
5 minutes break
Binary vs. text
All data are in the end binary
(10001110110001) in base 2
- Bits represent encoded information,, executable instructions, or numeric data
- In order to store text files we need binary representation for all characters
text encoding
In ASCII encoding, one byte
represents one character
Encoding is a rule where you map
characters to integers:
‘a’ = 97 (01100001) in base 2
Ascii Table
Resource: http://www.asciichars.com
Assignment 2 review
Zybooks chapters we covered
Chapter 2:
section 2.14
section 2.15
Zybooks chapters we'll cover next
Chapter 7: Objects and Classes
Copy of CMPS12A - Lecture 6
By Narges Norouzi
Copy of CMPS12A - Lecture 6
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